Thursday, 5 December 2013

Do not eat anything with a face debate

Just finished watching the debate with Neal Barnard, somebody Bauer, Cris Masterjohn and Joel Salatin and have one question that I would have asked Neal Barnard in his opening statement.

He stated that he was raised on his farm where his father and grandfather ate meat, potatoes and corn and/or peas daily. He then stated that his father and/or grandfather died at age 65 of heart disease or cancer, whatever it's not important.  He blamed the meat. Now I would have asked "oh, he ate an all meat diet? That's why you're blaming the meat?" Well his father could have been eating corn oil, crisco, drinking beer/whiskey, eating tons of bread/potatoes, corn muffins, whatever. But it's the meat that killed him at age 65. Ok, so where is the logic in this?

That's what I keep hearing over and over again. Meat kills. So are all these people who are dropping like flies eating meat exclusively? Or are they eating tons of other bad stuff with the meat? And why is the meat taking the fall for all their ills?

And yet, people look at Neal Barnard like he's a saint and gobble up every word he utters. Give me a fricken break.

Ok, rant over.


  1. :-) yep -- I always think the same way! and WHY people like Masterjohn (who is able to reach the same conclusion) don't bring up that question IS ... the big question!

    1. I agree. If it's anecdotal and he's offering it up so it's fair game to question (no pun intended) lol. Barnard seems to have a phobia about meat as he shuddered when he talked about how cooking chicken turned it into a cancer bomb. Humanity has been eating fowl for millions of years and now it's poison. I don't know why Masterjohn and Salatin even agreed to do this as all of Barnard's lackeys showed up and skewed the results.

  2. I agree.
    Also there are no old societies that were vegans. There were some that ate dairy, or fish and vegetable heavy, but most ate meat when the had the chance. It is just stupid to damage our health with a belief.
    Neal is nuts, just like his eating plan.

    1. Yes he is nuts and he's writing books on how to eat when you're a diabetic. That's what is so scarey. Think of how many people he's harming. It's bad enough that diabetics get crappy advice from the mainstream and when they question that and try alternatives they are unfortunate enough to find Barnard's advice out there.

  3. Didn't watch the debate since vegetarianism is a non-starter for me and I already know most of their arguments are bunkum. But 65 was probably a normal lifespan for someone of Barnard's grandfather's generation.

    Totally agree that many vegetarians are just carnephobes.

    1. This was close to home for me because two of my co-workers are Barnard converts. The most recent one became so emaciated that he's a walking bone-rack. This is after one year. We'll see how he ends up in the future. A diet that strips and eats all its muscle is a diet of death. The heart being a muscle.

  4. I was amazed at the ease with which Barnard lies. He has clearly been doing so to support his beliefs for a long time. His CICO declaration gave me a double facepalm. Chris is a better researcher/teacher than debater, IMHO. Nobody decided to go Vegan after watching the "Debate"

    1. I agree about Chris. He seemed frazzled at times, whereas Barnard was as smooth as silk. He's got the propaganda down pat.

  5. "Ok, rant over." - - - Good rant Horf

    Slightly off topic maybe but picking up your "The heart being a muscle"..........Who'd take a statin when they can affect muscles, and the heart is a muscle!

    This world is mad at times.

    All the best Jan

  6. I just could't watch it. No one irritates me more than vegans. It would be like the watching Plant positive videos me.

    1. Yeah and imagine working closely with them although the vegans at work weren't the biggest pain. It was the vegetarians that were more of a pain. However, the more well known vegans are the worst. Ingrid Newkirk suggested that the shooter in Colorado be put on a vegetarian/vegan diet to temper his violent impulses. She didn't mention, however, that the fellow who shot the 26 children and then shot himself was a vegan.

    2. It is often the case people in a Western world feel guilty of living in a prosperous country, and seems to enjoy depriving themselves, Hence comments that they are happy to support a "good cause", no one mentions the shooter who shot the 26 children, Linda McCartney, Steve Jobs . I just want to shake such people up, so I have to stay away.
